Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Professional Web Presence

Recently in class we learned about, and created our own personal Professional Web Presence websites. With the advancement of internet, and our dependence on it, has created many positive opportunities, as well as some that can be detrimental. As discussed in previous blog entries facebook and other social networking websites can often portray people in a negative way. For example, if a future potential employer were to google your name and the only information they could find about you was on facebook, would that be a negative or a positive for you? Odds are it would be inaccurate at the very least. Creating your own web presence is a great opportunity to share information about yourself that reflects your positive assets.
My web presence was really easy to make, and there was a lot of flexibility and room for individual creativity. We used sites.google.com for this particular assignment, and was easy and helpful just as all other google applications are. There were a few times when I couldn't figure out how to do something, so I entered my question and it was immediately answered.
Having your own web presence is very important to any person particularly in my generation. It is almost like an online resume except it can be more personal. For example, on mine I added a section where I was able to give some background information, explain my interests, etc. I also had a section like a resume, and another section where I was able to display some of the work I had done in this class. The best part about having my own web presence, is I can update it whenever I want to/need to, so as I continue to grow and become more experienced, I can display that in my site.
Here is the link to my site!

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