Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Educational Technology

wanted to start this post with that video I found on youtube.com that
if you ask me sums up the significance of the ever changing
technological world we live in. In just a century we have gone from
virtually no technology to a society dependent upon it. As the video
points out that the only thing constant about technology is that its
ever changing.When I first decided to enter the college of journalism and communications,
I didn't understand how important it was to have a wide understanding
of computers and technology. I know for my major of telecommunications
I'm going to have to be constantly learning new devices, and how to use
them. At first I wanted to focus on communications, but looking back I
realize a field that in the past may not have required a wide
understanding needs one now.Hopefully I will be able to keep up! The thing that blows my mind is that kids
younger than me might be more technologically with it then I am,
because technology is now being taught and used at a much earlier age
to maximize learning.

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